Thursday, June 19, 2014

15 Questions Your Hairstylist Should Be Asking You

It’s always hard changing hairstylist! The big move may have been because your hairdresser didn’t understand what you wanted. It’s not your fault! Client Consultation is a MUST when seeking a stylist, especially if you want a specific style. The best hairdresser’s are the ones who take their time to understand and ask you questions about what service you would like.

Here is a list of questions a stylist should be asking you about your hair. If they don’t ask! Just question them to make sure they are fully aware of what you would like done.

Edmondo Blando, the owner of Salon Vanity by Edmondo Blando who is an internationally-trained stylist was asked about his consultation and the list of question he asks his client before he even touches the hair.

  1. How often do you like to get you hair done?
  2. What do you do for a living? Corporate Company would not like to see blue hair walking around in their offices.
  3. What is your person style? A conservative person would not have punk rocker look
  4. How often do you wash your hair, blow dry and style your hair?
  5. Do you have the time and patience to style you hair the way it was cut to be styled?
  6. How often do you work out or sweat? Like how to manage gym hair, how often to wash it and products used“ 
  7. What do you like about your hair? The length, colour, shape…
  8. What don’t you love a love about your hair? The shape, colour, length… This is a great way to read in the client’s negatives and positives feeling about their hair, which gives a great insight to the client’s personality.
  9. How much time do you have in the morning/what are your rituals? Give the stylist an indication on how much time you have devoted to you hair.
  10. Are you open to change? Willing to cut a lot of length off or a completely different colour.
  11. What type of styling tools do you own? Will you about to use them?
  12. Is you hair natural? If you hair has been coloured or chemically straightened, you must tell your stylist. Natural hair is much stronger and resilient and another process will need to be done.
  13. How much would you want to trim or cut off? This is very important. Once curly hair dries it shrink in size. Cut one inch off curly hair becomes two inches with shrinkage.
  14. What products do you used to shampoo and condition the hair? Coloured hair will need coloured shampoo and conditioner. Highlighted hair will need a purple shampoo.
  15. Do you wear you hair curly or straight? The haircut will be base solely on how you style your hair. If you have curl hair but straighten it every day your haircut will be for straight hair.

Now that you know what your stylist should be saying to you, here are 5 NO NOtopics you should avoid while in the styling hair!!

Information was taken from Latest Hairstyles…


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